Money Coaching

What Money Archetype Are You?

What Money Archetype Are You?

Your money archetypes are symbolic metaphors that help us to understand our patterns and behaviours. Archetypes are powerful “teachers” and “allies” since they inform us of where we need to grow.

Enlightened Money Coaching

The mission of Money Coaching is to fill this greatly needed gap by becoming an internationally recognized center for creating more purposeful and prosperous lives through education, awareness and empowerment.

For Couples

This coaching process creates an understanding of the patterns that emerge between couples around money and teaches couples how to compassionately communicate in a healthy, constructive ways regarding money.

Schedule An Appointment

Your Money Coaching sessions can easily be conducted effectively by phone or video conferencing via Zoom.

Lara, who is a businesswoman thought she would never be able to earn above a certain level, she doubted her capacity to create additional value from herself, she was leaving a lot of money on the table because she felt constricted around money and felt it was a lot of hard work to earn more. She even took classes in entrepreneurship. Until, she learnt about the concept of money, noticed her energy and language towards money, took a money quiz to understand her money personality, then was she able to RESOLVE and TRANSFORM her relationship with money and her financial goals.

Lara, Businesswoman
Joke my good friend and a very good Lawyer, calls it the “P. Carew Magic.” She says she has gained so much insight as to how her financial ignorance was standing in the way of her capacity to get ahead in her journey towards financial freedom. She is now taking baby steps to build her savings and investments again. This is after so many money mistakes in the past.
Joke, Lawyer

“I see my “WHY” now and it was insightful! It opened my eyes to what I had been blind to. Now I can take intentional steps!” Here’s what else she said, “I like the way you allow me think through what I want to say and what I have said and written down. I see my options clearly now”

Ayo, Ikeja, Lagos

Find Financial Freedom & Fulfilment

Patience Carew

I am Patience Carew, and I am a Certified Money Coach and trained Neuro-Linguistic Practioner. I have a deep understanding of the behaviour dynamics around money, and I use this to help bring consciousness to your money patterns and behaviour to help you move towards better money decisions. And so, if you are feeling uncomfortable around your finances or a seeming sense of fear around your money decisions, then a good way to start would be to speak to a money coach. As a money coach, I am able to do this through a diagnostically driven step by step process (though not clinical) that once we are complete, you are going to have a clear, visible map of everything that is driving your decisions, behaviours and emotions around money.